Membership Information

Members enjoy:

- weaving-based programs, hybrid in-person and via Zoom.
- monthly meetings 2nd Tuesday Evening 7pm.
- In addition.....November, January, February, March Drop-ins with 'Pop Up' program and access to library resources. (Fourth Tuesday 12:30-3:00 p.m. at the museum.
- extensive lending library including current subscriptions to
Handwoven, Vav, Guild of Canadian Weavers,
Fibre Focus, Complex Weavers
- workshops; virtual and in-person
- biennial retreat: A great way to get to know your fellow weavers!
- annual guild sale: Huronia Handweavers participate in the
Simcoe County Quilt, Rug and Artisan Fair.
Sell your creations and raise funds for guild activities.

Membership is $40.00 per year (September to June) and can be paid by e-transfer to